Labyrinth full shadowcast production. GKP 2024

Full Shadowcast Production

Ignite your audience with a full shadowcast production! Live actors lip-sync and act out the movie on stage, creating an interactive experience perfect for cult classics and movie lovers. We provide cast, choreography, and costumes, all while tailoring the show to your needs. Contact us to bring the lights, camera, action... live!


Hocus Pocus Shadowcat Performance.

Curated Shadowcast

Our Curated Shadowcasting adds live performances to key scenes, intensifying the emotions and creating a truly unique experience. We'll select pivotal moments, with our actors bringing them to life on stage. It's the perfect way to add an interactive spark to your favorite films. Contact us to curate a shadowcast experience unlike any other!


Caroling at a grand opening event.

Immersive Events

Step out of the ordinary and into extraordinary worlds. Our talented actors, captivating costumes, and creative sets will transport you to thrilling adventures, from historical eras to fantastical realms. Become part of the story, solve puzzles, and create unforgettable memories. Learn more about our immersive events through Wandering Lantern Productions!


Kristina w/ a Puppet GKP 2024

Shadowcast Coaching

Aspiring shadowcast director? Turn your passion into reality! Our coaching sessions offer expert guidance on every step of creating your own shadowcast production. We'll cover script selection, casting tips, choreography basics, and audience engagement strategies. Get the tools and knowledge you need to bring a beloved movie to life on stage.